Q & A:
Q: 沒有去參加一周四到五堂全美語課程是對的嗎?
A: 全美語只是一種方式,但考量學生全方位發展,加上多元學習趨勢,在一周兩次有效率的英文課一樣可以達到同等效果。在低年級期間請以國語文為主做多方面培養,將來各科將一樣優秀。
Q: 那發音會不會不好?
A: 只要長時間持續學習,發音不會受影響。
Q: 外師課程中會說中文嗎?
A: 因為教導的是學齡後學生,我們會採Code Mix (少數中文輔助) 方式開始教導初階英文,以免學生初期因挫折感太高而放棄學習,但中階以上至高階將以全美語方式進行。
Q: 全美語班會花費二至三年教導自然發音,有此必要嗎?
A: 自然發音之於英文就如同 ㄅ ㄆ ㄇ ㄈ 之於中文一樣,並不需要花費到一年以上的時間學習。依各個年級和理解力的不同,課程將會依學生學習能力做調整。今年暑假開了一班中高年級快速班只花了八堂1.5小時的課,學生就已經學會見字發音了。
Q: 如果跟不上怎麼辦?
A: 我們會有專人指導較弱的部分,學生如果在接受指導後還是落後,將以不影響自信心的前提下安排併入他班。
Here at BLC, we offer a two-pronged approach to developing mastery in English for all grade levels. What this means is that each student will be assigned to two 1.5 hour long classes at different time intervals each week. The curriculum for this class is designed and taught in accordance with the Taiwanese academic system standards and is delivered in Mandarin Chinese. This class focuses heavily on development of grammar skills that prepare students to succeed in at-school assessments. The other class is delivered in English and is meant to offer students an english speaking environment and a more American-based educational approach. The objective of this class is to mold their pronunciation as close to that of a native speaker’s and to make them sound as natural as possible in speaking and writing. The class rests on the foundational pillars of speaking, reading, listening, writing, and vocabulary acquisition.
School-Based Content
Instructor is Bethany, who has more than 18 years of teaching experience
Bethany 主任盡心挑選的菁英師資
Hand-picked Teachers by Bethany
Develop proficiency in all areas of English
因為是小班教學所以著重於個人指導,學生們可以獲得更多的輔導,從Know Why 到 Know How,我們深深期盼學生能嚐到數學的樂趣與成功的滋味。
All of our teachers have a strong formal background in the school of mathematics and are highly passionate about teaching. We familiarize and expose students to foundational and complicated concepts in order to ready them for middle school assessments and prepare them for the much more rigorous standards of high school. We not only teach equations, we teach the WHY and the reasoning behind these equations so that students are able to gain a strong understanding of mathematics without forgetting what they learn in the long-run. We also highly value individual-based guidance so our class sizes are relatively small so that they can receive the individual attention to succeed.
We offer two separate courses in the fields of physics and chemistry. These classes are taught by certified doctoral professors who have taught at National Taiwan University, serving as an affirmation of the quality and value of education your child will be receiving. Students will be cultivating dynamic problem solving skills and logic and will further be familiarized with various theories and how to derive hypothetical inferences using qualitative and quantitative variables. Through clear, simple, and precise explanations and examples, students easily and quickly comprehend and pick up on complex concepts.